
Motorsports Coverage
D1 Grand Prix US Driver Search
By Jacob Isaac-Lowry
Nov 30, 2004, 22:21

We here at are proud to keep you up to speed on all aspects of the motorsports world. The D1 Grand Prix is something that has been gaining popularity recently in the US and AA has taken the initiative to bring you the latest press releases directly from the heads of D1!

Dec. 11th US Championship and Driver Search, Irwindale CA.
Spectator entry at 9am, end’s at 6pm

D1 is proud to announce that we have acquired our Title Sponsor for Dec. 11th’s Driver Search and US Championship! Muscle Machines, makers of their popular series of die-cast automobile replicas have teamed up with the D1 Grand Prix to make sure that you have the best drift experience EVER!. We are proud to have Muscle Machines with us and are looking forward to a long standing relationship with them, not to mention one heck of an amazing super exciting event!

Basically this event will set the standard of what we want to do here in the US. We are here for you, we want US drivers to get better and become increasingly competitive against the Japanese, and we think that the time is now to show the Japanese what the US is made of. So lets get this rockin! We’re here and we aren’t going anywhere, and you need to be there to make it happen. Once again, we will be giving a free JDM OPTION DVD (a $21 value) gift with every $20 ticket purchase*.

Let’s do it, ONE MORE TIME!!!

Also, for those of you who may not own a drift machine, let alone have time and money to take your drifting dreams to the top, we've got something for you too! D1's newest promotion gives you a chance to win a ride in a championship drift car at this years US vs. Japan Championship. Download a copy of the contest rules and an entry form and you could be on your way to a heart stopping sideways look at the tarmac in Irwindale.

Contest Rules (doc) Entry Form (pdf)

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